When it comes to wedding planning there is a little
tradition in all of us. Even the most contemporary brides find
themselves looking for something “borrowed” or something “blue” as they
prepare to walk down the aisle. Yet today’s wedding registries reflect
less conventional choices, such as vacation destinations or nest egg
contributions, rather than the typical china, flatware and household
What’s the reason behind these evolving registries? Women are
waiting longer to walk down the aisle, creating a new generation of
brides with financial means. Today, the average American bride is 29 and
has the means to support herself, allowing her to step into a marriage
with almost all of the household basics, like frying pans and place
So what do these new, self-sufficient brides really want? Well,
according to a recent survey by the Better Sleep Council . . .
mattresses. Nearly half of all married couples surveyed would choose a
mattress as their first household purchase, instead of a more
traditional item. Specifically:
* 47 percent of married couples surveyed indicated that what they really need is a mattress when they get married; and
* Engaged couples are taking note -- 33 percent of those surveyed
placed a mattress as their priority purchase above a couch, kitchen
table, lawn furniture, or a china cabinet.
Investing in a new mattress for your children or friends may be one
of the most meaningful gestures you can make to wish them well in their
life together. Recognizing that a mattress can be more costly than a
“table” sized gift, consider purchasing the couple a gift certificate --
with a group of close friends, family, or members of the wedding party.
The certificate can be redeemed in the bedding section of a department
store or at a local mattress retailer, where the couple can actually try
out the mattress prior to purchase.
So as you think about gifts for the happy couple, consider the gift
from the newlyweds’ perspective: Do they really need another set of
matching table linens to enhance their dining experience or do they need
a mattress, which will enhance their quality of life together through a
good night’s sleep?
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